Charcoal drawings from photos - production possible in 1-2 days.
Are you looking for the perfect charcoal drawing for your loved ones? Then you have come to the right place. We will draw your templates and photos as a very high-quality and detailed charcoal drawing.

Upload your photos and we'll take care of the rest.
Alternatively, you can send us the photo after your order by email to or via Whatsapp .
- We ask for the highest possible resolution of the photo templates for the exact detailed charcoal drawing
- Additional changes and requests will be sent for review in the interim result.
- After 1-3 days we will send the charcoal drawing , the drawn picture by post with a tracking number.
Charcoal Drawings Portrait at Sketchus Portrait
You want to give one of our Sketchus works of art as a gift, have a portrait drawn but you are not sure which photo is the right one for the drawing? You have too many pictures of your loved ones on your phone and can't decide? We are happy to help you with a Sketchus portrait charcoal drawing
Buy charcoal drawings with safe packaging
You don't want to miss out on the special surprise effect? You can have us draw your personal motif as a very beautiful charcoal drawing on 300 g/m² thick paper. This drawing will arrive at your home in one to three days in attractive packaging.
Whether dog, cat or horse, whether nude or portrait charcoal drawing
No matter whether you upload your own photo, we draw all portrait drawings with pencil , animal portraits or charcoal drawings with dedication and attention to detail. It is not a simple copy, but an incomparable moment captured for eternity. We also create a complete work of art from several templates.
Original charcoal drawing - Have a portrait drawn with charcoal - The gift for every occasion
Give a charcoal drawing to friends or family and make your loved ones very happy. A charcoal drawing is "the gift for every occasion": the perfect memory or an exclusive gift idea for a birthday, Christmas, wedding or simply to say thank you.
A Sketchus charcoal drawing & portrait drawing as a gift is a personal gift that comes from the heart. You can immediately give this drawing to your loved ones, family or friends and delight them with a special surprise!
History of Charcoal Drawing
The drawing charcoal consists of pressed charcoal powder.
It is a frequently used medium in art because it is cheap and easy to make yourself and offers good opportunities for corrections. It can also be used linearly and pointedly, as well as broadly, smudged and painterly. It dusts heavily and smudges easily, which means that fixing is necessary. Various types of wood are used in its production, such as willow, linden, fruit trees and others. It is important that the wood has grown evenly.
Coal must not be too soft & not too hard
The charcoal must not be too soft, but also not too hard, otherwise it will smear or splinter, and it must also blacken well. The cut sticks are wrapped in clay as bundles or placed in a sealed clay pot. They are then slowly baked in an oven. In more recent times, charcoal powder has also been pressed into sticks, which allows for different degrees of hardness. Charred wood has been used for drawing since ancient times, as many cave drawings attest. Nevertheless, up until the Middle Ages it was still used as an aid, for example for preliminary drawings or for practice.
Fixing a charcoal drawing
It was only with the increased appreciation of hand drawings globally and the trend towards suitable fixation methods from the 15th century onwards that works were created using such methods that were the final goal and not the preliminary stage. From then on, fixation was done either by placing the paper in a glue bath or by spreading it with glue. The perfect method was to coat the paper with glue before drawing, apply the charcoal after it had dried, and then soften the glue in steam and fix the drawing in this way.
Charcoal Drawing Landscape, Abstract & Portrait
Charcoal drawing, with its very unusual character, opens up huge opportunities to depict motifs and convey ambience. Drawing with charcoal means that extremely expressive solutions can be created with a variety of lines.
Portrait designs and sketches, landscape paintings and nude motifs can be depicted in various ways using charcoal.
Get a portrait drawn with charcoal now