Drawing eyes - instructions to draw an eye easily
Instructions to draw an eye - learn to draw eyes
how to draw eyes As you know, the eyes are the most expressive element of the face.

The painted eye consists of eyelids, an iris, a pupil, corners of the eyes and an eyelash wreath. Below we will show you how to draw an eye correctly and easily at the same time.
how to draw an eye painted eyes ? So, let's begin!

1. Basic shape of the eye

- First, without much pressure, a flat arc is drawn in a curved line.
- At the same height, with a little distance, the same is drawn
- Both lines can be traced again. Correct the shape to match them.
- Next, the position of the iris must be determined and thus also the direction of view.
- Since only a part of the iris is visible when the eye is open, you don't draw a circle, but two rounded lines, which are covered by the lids at the top and bottom.
- To draw the pupil, a small circle is drawn in the middle, which centers the gaze.
2. Elaboration of the details of the eye
A second line is still drawn, but not towards the outer corner of the eye, but across it. Same with the bottom of the eye.
In addition, the lines at the inner corner of the eye are brought together to form a slightly rounded tip.

Then you can sketch a few eyelashes. It would be best to draw in quick, curved movements to make them look more realistic.
3. Coloring of the eye
Colored pencils are required here and a black felt-tip pen to paint the pupil black. However, a bit of white must be left blank. This is intended to represent the reflection of the light entering the eye.

1. Pick any color for the iris. At least three colors should be used. The iris is colored by soft hatching.
2. The shape of the iris radiates outward from the pupil. The pen should be held loosely in your hand. You start without pressing too much and then in the second round the pressure is increased a little.
3. The next step is to use the darker shade for the edges. A smooth transition can be created from the pencil line.
4. Since the eye area has a slight outward curve, hardly any pressure is exerted on the free spaces. This means that it is a bit lighter than the border and the halo inside.

5. Areas with wrinkles should be darkened and lightened where there are bulges. In this way, natural-looking lighting conditions are obtained.
6. If you wish, you can also apply make-up to the eyes by drawing an eyeliner with a felt-tip pen and blackening the eyelashes.
Learn to draw a realistic eye (pencil drawing)
In order to be able to draw an eye realistically, you need a pencil, an eraser and a cotton swab.
More on this:Learn to draw a portrait: It's easy!
Drawing eyes: step by step:

Step 1: Sketch the eye
First a border of the eye is sketched. However, only a little pressure may be used on the pencil in order to correct it later with the eraser if necessary.
2nd step: Draw in the iris
It is worked from the dark to the light areas. The iris is drawn in first and only the dark areas of it.
3rd step: Draw in the contours
Now the surrounding contours are drawn in dark. Afterwards, the transitions are designed using a technique.
4th step: Blur the contours
The cotton swabs are now used. A cotton swab is taken and the strokes are smudged starting from the iris. You should wipe from the dark areas to the light ones.
The removed graphite is picked up with the cotton and wiped into the light ones to create a soft transition. You should pay attention to the template when smudging, because a suitable tonal value should be achieved in which you wipe.

Then the eye contours are blurred. If you want to make some areas darker again, you draw them darker with the flat side of the pencil.
If the cotton swabs are too small for the large areas, you can also use a handkerchief or simply your finger to blur the lines. When all areas have been shaded you can now use a sharp pencil to draw in the thin veins in the eye.
Step 5: Draw in eyelashes
The eyelashes make the eye look really realistic. Start with the flat side of the pencil with high pressure and decrease towards the end.
After all eyelashes have been drawn in, the light areas are erased again with an eraser cut to a point.

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